The story of Blended with Dignity

Hello, my name is Anastasia…

That’s how my book Blended with Dignity starts. It is my debut book, based on my personal experience as an immigrant in the UK and the inspirational  stories from remarkable people,  who came to the UK from different parts of the world, embraced it, without losing authenticity, and fulfilled their dreams against all the odds.

I was born in Crimea, USSR, and immigrated to the UK in 2010. Since then I have been working in the Telecommunications, Banking and Software companies. I am a Trustee at Fiorentini Foundation and Wisdom Foundation, and support various initiatives for young people from all backgrounds as a mentor, coach and speaker, inspiring them to break barriers and find their way to fulfill their potential. 

You can download my book here.

Please, get in touch for collaboration, I will be happy to provide more details.